C.o.R.S.A. Presentation Workshop - Artificial Intelligence vs COVID-19

Half-Day workshop on the group collaboration on COVID-19 with the radiology unit at ASLTo3 in Pinerolo, Piemonte
The goal of the Co.R.S.A. (Covid Radiographic imaging System based on AI) project is to develop and deploy a cutting-edge AI system that can assist in the diagnosis of COVID pneumonia based on chest radiography (CXR) and evaluate its impact.
The project adopts an interdisciplinary approach aimed at the experimental development of a new AI technology for rapid diagnosis of COVID pneumonia from radiographic imaging. To this end, the project partners include Radiologists from the Department of Diagnostic Imaging of the Città della Salute e della Scienza (CSST) University Hospital of Turin and the ASL TO3, biomedical imaging experts from the Departments of Surgical Sciences and Oncology of the University of Turin, AI and image processing experts from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Turin, and a company specializing in the development of healthcare IT systems.
Project home: https://corsa.di.unito.it/